New Mexico Yamadori

Hey , I collected this Ponderosa Pine Tree in the spring of 2024. I would like to get some advice on when I can work on this tree.

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The general recommendation is to let collected trees settle for 2 or 3 years before doing any work. They need to have a solid root pad and growing well and it can sometimes take even longer. Remember that bonsai is a long game.

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Not the answer anyone excited about a new tree wants to hear…but 2026-2027

Thank you, for your response. So a few weeks ago I wanted to move it to a different location, but the roots already started growing through the pot. Should I just leave the tree where it’s at. I’m new to all this. I was just so happy that my tree survived this long. Any advice would greatly appreciate.
Thank you, Ro

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The fact that roots have grown out of the pot is very encouraging. In the spring, I would cut it loose from the ground and place it on blocks to force the roots to grow inside the pot. If it puts out some good growth this spring/summer you could do some initial branch setting since most of the branches are fairly thin. I would leave any heavy moves until 2026.