Hi all,
I just got this Shore Pine (pinus contorta var. contorta) and noticed there is some needle browning. Should I be concerned? If so, any ideas on what to do? Last photo is of the healthier looking needles at the top of the tree.
Where abouts you located Matt? Coast?
I lost a large shore pine due to roots overheating.
Looked like this the next spring.
Are your buds visably swelling? Would be a good sign.
I’m in Spokane, WA but I purchased it in Portland, OR a week and a half ago. It was pretty hot last summer. I haven’t noticed the buds swelling yet. I think we got a couple more weeks before that happens here. I’ll keep my eyes out for them though.
Hi Matt…
Kurt P. Inland Empire Bonsai Society… Bring it to the next meeting…
Lol how ironic. Next one on the 20th?
Very ironical… have not looked closely at my shore pine yet…
Noon on the 20th!
Unless you get antsy… house calls are extra…
Haha I’ll keep my eye on it. I think I can wait until the 20th as long as things don’t get worse. Thanks!
Alcuni aghi del mio pino mugo in vaso da coltivazione sono diventati gialli,però a carattere sparso. Invece quelli nuovi sono tutti verdi,a cosa sarà dovuto?
Pines shed older, less efficient needles so they can allocate resources to the younger, more efficient ones.
I pini perdono aghi più vecchi e meno efficienti in modo da poter allocare risorse a quelli più giovani ed efficienti.
Marty secondo te cosa può essere? Ho notato su alcuni rami di un mio grosso pino mugo in vaso da coltivazione delle macchie bianche,ho provato a toccarle con la punta di uno stuzzicadenti e sembrava polverosa con odore di resina.
I don’t see any major areas of concern. Yes, there are a couple of older needles that are turning brown and a few browner areas at the base of some of the newer needles. But most of the needles look to be strong, green, and healthy.
Thank you very much Marty
Best regards
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Ciao Marty avrei bisogno del tuo aiuto perché ho un dubbio sulla potatura del mio pino silvestre. È un pino che ho potato ed impostato a Dicembre 2021. Le nuove candele sono ormai mature e gli aghi si sono allungati. Secondo te posso potare in questo periodo i nuovi germogli lasciando solo 4/5 paia di nuovi aghi?
I generally break the candles of Scots pines as they start to extend in order to equalize strength. I only cut back branches that have extended their needles if they are extremely long and vigorous - most often on seedlings or nursery stock that I missed. My notes on short needle pine indicate that pinching is the best way to get the desired branch length and back budding which is also my experience. with P. sylvestris.
A little further review of my notes indicates that you can do post flush harden pruning of the short needle single flush pine once the stem starts to turn from green to red or brown. It appears that yours may be in that transition. I would probably prune back to 10-12 needle pairs on most Scots pines in development to preserve more strength. I would limit to 6-8 pairs once the branches are in refinement and 10-12 pairs leaves them too dense.
Thank you very much!
Best regards
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