Need help identifying this substance

Im hoping someone will know what this white material is on my winged elm. It was under the soil on the bark. Not sure if its on roots yet. Im hoping its just mycorrhiza but I saw the fungus Armillaria looks similar in the few pictures I found online. Has anyone found this before? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I’m not responding to the fungus. I am more interested in your winged elm. Is this a collected tree? I love the leaves!!
I have access to quite a few of these specimens growing out in a large field.
They seem to have a root system similar to locust.
Would love to see a pic of the whole tree. :+1:t2: :smiley: :christmas_tree:

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Yes I collected it last year in Ft worth texas. I am still shocked at how great these are for what we do. I posted a question about this tree in the last forum q&a 111 , at 57:51. I posted some photos. Here are some more.


I can’t speak to what type of fungus this is, but it’s definitely a fungus decomposing the bark. I wouldn’t be too worried about it, but you may want to clean the bark with a diluted vinegar spray to protect it from decomposition if it is hurting the aesthetic of the trunk, otherwise it shouldn’t hurt the tree. Funny enough it may be breaking down the tree’s bark and feeding it’s nutrients back to the tree itself!


Thanks Tim! I was expecting much worse so that is good to hear.

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