Hi all - happy Friday!
I just received 4 pre bonsai coastal redwoods. The main tree has plenty of branching and Ryan’s videos have been immensely helpful.
The other 3 trees were gifts and are younger. One has no branches, however it’s juuuuust starting to show fresh green growth in the middle of the trunk. Woo! The other two trees have between 2-4 branches.
My question is - how do I encourage new branching on these 3 trees? I’ve searched the Forum and Ryan’s videos, but haven’t found anything yet.
I’ve included a photo the 3 smaller trees. The tree heights are 7”, 10” and 11.5”. The 11.5” tree is a little thicker than a pencil and is the one just sprouting new growth in one spot.
I’d be grateful for any suggestions/advice about branch encouragement, and/or any other areas relating to getting pre bonsai coastal redwoods off to a great start! The timing seems great since we’re in late spring/early summer.
Hopefully my question(s) will also be useful for others who are also beginners.

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I do not have any personal experience with them but based upon the fact that they will produce a fair number of basal shoots I am thinking that if you get them growing strongly you will have more lower branches than you can use.
Thank you! It’s been interesting to see what’s occurring. The trees are healthy, and did well in the Los Angeles heat. I kept a close watch on the amount of sun and watering.
I’m looking to learn more about #beginners #horticulture back budding, pinching, pruning to encourage new branching. Brought the trees inside today to do some pinching and pruning and I suspect there’s a lot more I could do to encourage branching.
If anyone has tips/suggestions, I’d be grateful for anything you’d be willing to share!
I would suggest simply letting them grow. They back bus profusely. Feed heavily then each year pot up in a larger container and watch them romp away.
Yes, already thinking about re potting in the spring. Los Angeles, CA (zone 10) is interesting when it comes to growing coastal redwoods. I’m inland about 10 miles / 16 kilometers from the ocean where there’s far less humidity and little to no fog. A lot of misting and moving of the pots is necessary so the hot sun doesn’t fry these little specimens. Thanks for your suggestions!
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