Hinoki follow up and fall fertilization

Hello my new and very appreciated community! After resolving some of my wiring issues (I did better), I need to ask about fall fertilization. I have an organic granular product called “G & B” 4-4-4. I need some foliage mass to develop in the spring so that I can re pot in 2020. Should I place in tea bags in a triangle? am I to late? Temps drop next week hard here in Reno NV.

You probably don’t want to fertilize now. I would wait until early spring before fertilizing.

What are you doing for winter protection? You probably don’t need much in terms of temperature protection but the wind can be pretty strong in the winter there. Making sure it’s protected from the wind help it push strong in the spring.

Thank you Nicholas for your response. Yes the winds are challenging here in Washoe county. Just so happens that yesterday I was moving my trees to a protected barrier because I knew the winds were picking up. I watch an a lot of Mirai live so I was aware that desiccation can be a problem as well as falling debris so, I’m good. As far as the temperatures, we have already dropped to 21 degrees Fahrenheit on a few nights so I keep them on the ground and surrounded as well as sufficient winter watering combined with leaf mulch on the surface. Waiting for snow! As far as fertilizer is concerned, I am responding to Ryan’s suggestion to fall fertilize, but wasn’t sure if I had waited too long.

Yeah I think it is a little too late for Reno. I don’t know Hinoki and maybe there is some nuance about the species, but if it’s dipping below freezing already I think you missed the window for that last application of fall fertilizer.

Thanks, your awesome Nick.