Feedback on Thuja design

Hoping to get some feedback on a recent styling I did. Species is Thuja Occidentalis. Was looking to show the characteristic thuja swooping branches along with some reiterations. I was trying to keep the branch hierarchy height but I feel like the branches on the right might be a bit too wide? Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

I like what’s been done so far but I think it could be improved by adjust ing the proposed planting angle and adjusting branches as needed to match. Trunk is rather straight in its orientation at the moment.

Agree with big country.
Ryan would say you should repot nursery stock before styling but since you styled I’d change angle. Ryan doesn’t like straight perpendicular or horizontal lines

Great choice of thuja btw. It will be great with time

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This was a clearance grab at my local home improvement store. Looking to practice my initial styling skills so that’s why I elected to style first. I had an angle when I styled but forgot to prop it up in the photo. Thanks for the suggestions.

Eastbayvet basically came up with the same design as I came up with before scrolling down! Personally I would prob grow a sacrifice to be able to add some interesting deadwod. Solid pick!

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Looks like you have a ton of unused land. Maybe put some trees in the ground to develop good trunk size. Is there a local bonsai club? Bonsai teachers? Work with experienced growers to learn the right steps.

I’m jealous of all that land!!!

I’d have if full of trees growing fat trunks.

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