I would like to know which pine species can be treated in the same way as pinus sylvestris?
I would like to learn more about how to handle a pinus sylvestris, i watched all the videos featuring pinus sylvestris in the library. So if there are other pine species which can be treated the same i could learn from other videos to.
Ciao,le specie di pino che possono essere trattate come il pino silvestre sono : pino bianco giapponese,pino mugo e pino ponderosa(nord America). Sono pini a singola crescita stagionale. Per bilanciare l’energia,le candele si accorciano dalla tarda primavera fino ad inizio estate…se da un ramo escono più candele lasciane solo due,devono formare una v. Nei rami molto vigorosi elimina anche aghi vecchi,il filo lo puoi applicare anche dopo che hai tagliato le candele. Spero di esserti stato utile.
Japanese White Pine (P. parviflora) and Ponderosa Pine (P. ponderosa) are both long needle single flush pines and treated differently from the short needle single flush pines like P. sylvestris (Scots) and P. contorta (Shore & lodgepole). P. mugho (Muhgo), and P. aristata (Bristlecone). I suggest watching the Short Needle single flush pine streams of 5/14/19 and 7/10/19 as well as the others that will come up in a library search for short needle pine.