Colorado Spruce Backbudding

Hello everyone!

I recently styled a Colorado spruce and am now seeking advice on techniques, fertilization, and nutrition to promote backbudding. Any tips or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Photo of the tree:


On my colorado in a grow box I put bio gold heavy dosage in 4 locations. Grow box size is 24"x12"x12. It did take 12 months in the grow box before I saw any heavy bud push and that was just at the tips of shoots. I didnt see buds push from old wood till 24 months. Then I did the secondary styling and now im just going to let it grow un-checked so i can repot next spring. Also I found that any drooping branches were wired at least to a level that the tips were not faving down other wise they dont get buds to push.

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Thanks for the advice, this grow box is pretty much exact size as yours!

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I pinch to improve ramification and hope for more backbuds. The bear supplies organic fertilizer. :grinning:

You need to let buds develop and drop their caramel colored sheath before pinching. Many years of development to build good roots. My experience is the roots grow slowly.


so the elongating species post flush stream explains the technique to increase backbudding. First 5 minutes is informative. | Bonsai Mirai Live I was wrong to recommend pinching… need to let it grow and harden off before pruning to push energy back into buds. :nerd_face:

Pinching is only for refinement after you have established pads and apex.