Change planting angle

Hi all, is there a stream topic/q&a that talks about how to change the angle from zero(horizontal) to 180 degrees when repotting? I have a Austrian pine and have had it angled where I want it but propped up in a bucket for a year. What is the next step?

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I would think it best to wait to repot until next spring if possible. Unless it significantly interferes with watering practices and such. I cant specifically remember which episodes where Ryan has talked about significant angle changes, but I think it has a lot to do with what the roots look like when you pull it out. For example if you adjust the angle and it has a massive amount of roots sticking out of the pot. I’ve seen him gently pack long stranded sphagnum moss with substrate sprinkled on top (reference the large taxus repotting episode for an extreme example) around the roots to keep them hydrated and to encourage them to move deeper into the pot as they grow. With a significant angle change like that I would also make sure it’s well secured so you minimize movement after the repot.

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In the spring place it into a confined container like a water lily basket or Anderson flat. Secure it in the angle desired and if necessary build a sphagnum wall to give a home to any roots that are above the soil line. is one stream that deals with building a sphagnum wall. Ensure the elevated soil/ moss structure is covered with a surface treatment to maintain moisture and air exchange. Over time you will be able to reduce the roots above the surface and rely on new fine roots forming below the tree.

Good luck! Take pictures and share when you can!

Where are you located?

Location, location, location. I asked @Sam about this issue some time ago It would be nice if members would add their location, it would help a lot. Even if its just a general region like PNW or SW, it doesn’t have to be your city or town you live in, some people would like to be more private for certain reasons.

The best advice is given when we know the region.

@Lola, what do you mean when you say you want to change the potting angle from zero (horizontal) to 180°? Starting at 0° horizontal, rotating 180° is still horizontal on the X, Y, or Z axis.



My apologies. Wisconsin.

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See attached.

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So it’s a 90° potting angle change?

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@Lola . Post a photo when you get this repotted…

Repotted today. Going on heat mat for a few wks. Exposed root style if all goes well.20200419_171047|307x499