"candleabra" style

So I’ve been reading up on my forestry terms and general knowledge. Anyone have any examples of this? I’m thinking this would be a great design option. All the examples I found online don’t seem to be a true representation where the Apex has been stripped and the following branches seem to fight for dominance.

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I think Ryan was going for something along these lines with the dwarf alberta spruce design. I’m going for something along those lines with my thuja. More the penultimate tree in that illustration though with the primary apex still intact.

Walter Pall talks about candelabra style trees. Here’s one

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Yeah I saw this article. But when they refer to the term candleabra I think of the multi Apex (when I reread that it feels like a bit of an oxymoron) being the main feature. Like an actual candelabra.![360x0|340x500](

://7Hka6yVOkxiimBvlJUt9AZ2tafa.jpeg) Idk I feel like this style is quite unexplored unless I’m looking in all the wrong places. Maybe it’s too similar to a ginko asthetic?

Multi-apex trees do seem to be a bit underutilized. There are some out there, but I think showing that like it happens in real life is tough to do on a small scale.

There have been a few streams with multi-apex designs, but I think this one might be the closest to candelabra.


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Check out the octopus tree in tillamook county, oregon

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Candleabra trees aren’t very common in the North American northeast.

l believe that this is a balsam fir from northern Ontario.