Alberta Spruce 1st style feedback

Alberta Spruce
1st style
Left length/excess branching bc of minimal branches/needles for tree health. Will let it recover until next season.

Any feedback or suggestions on how to improve this style would be greatly appreciated!



If you have some more angles it could help, but i like how this trees feels like a mountainous tree. And i really see that at the top of the tree in the angle of drop in those branches, steep. I’d like to see that echoed in the rest of the branches. The second branch on the right feels a little out of place for me cause it originates going upward and is thicker than the branch below it. I would go for a secondary trunk with that branch. Thanks for sharing!

Hello Shaba
I think Ryan would remind you that with nursery stock he likes reducing soil and putting in bonsai pot and leaving foliage to help maintain transpiration and balance oxygen and water .
He might also say that because in photo the nebari is strongest on right that would, design wise , necessitate tree moving to the left, see red x , they would have to be shortened and maybe not now because the more foliage the better, resolve what looks like bar branches in blue.
I see a great future for this tree none the less
Good luck gary

Nice first styling. Second branch on the left l would turn into a reiteration/smaller trunk.

Actually on dwarf Alberta spruce I find the more reiterations the more compelling the design. More trunks more better

Strong work with this