Just got these tridents and would like to get some feedback on development of it. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
It is 32”x20” and dose need a lot of development.
I would let it grow so it establishes a good root base. You can should back any really long shoots this summer unless they need to grow to develop taper in a new leader. You will probably need to cut off the big branches at the top of the big tree once it becomes established since they are a bit large for this high in the canopy.
I know you did not ask but here are a couple of comments from the design perspective.
- I like the differences in size of the trees and placement based upon size.
- It looks like the spacing of the trees is fairly uniform (we all do it). Michael Hagedorn had a recent blog post about this - Reworking A Forest | Michael Hagedorn.
- The back tree in the center is almost directly behind the one in front of it (this caught my eye initially). This makes it very easy to visually divide the forest into two less interesting sections that the ones you lay out with your rocks.
You and he is very right. When I got the trees they were leafed out a lot. Worried it may be harmful to them I wasn’t as aggressive as I should have been, now that you point it out, I’m wanting to correct it. They have been together about a week and a half almost 2. So are my options limited, to next year. Or possibly adding a couple of trees in a year or so?
The safest approach will be to redo the forest next spring before they leaf out. If they had not leafed out this year, I would suggest making corrections this year. But two insults to the roots in one year is asking for trouble.
That’s what I figured. The roots had been reduced by half when I got them. They were a great deal price wise. I also plan on growing lower branches or the big tree and reducing the top. I really appreciate your advice.