Smoke Tree, Cotinus coggygria

Anyone have any horticulture information on Smoke Tree, Cotinus coggygria

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I found this in our garden between other ornamental shrubs but purple variety. The only thing I can tell it might not like to be air-layered. I killed the whole thing with this attempt even with plenty of foliage left under :woman_shrugging:t4:
I would use any info from wikipedia, mainly its native environment so you know what climate it likes and understand the basic needs. But also Google might be your good friend Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple' (Smokebush)

Just an update having worked this tree in different time over the last few years. Wiring and bending in the spring as the buds swell is the best time if your looking to bend something. In the fall they are much more brittle (no warning of break-just goes) and the dieback on the branches wired was unpredictable. I am in zone 6b/7. Not a common species but figured Id share in case anyone is working on one or thinking about it

I have quite some experience with this species. Horticulturally it prefers a well draining substrate that’s on the dry side, you have to watch out for root rot if you keep it too wet. It also likes a hot and dry climate with low humidity and plenty of sun as it naturally grows on rocky slopes in south-eastern Europe. I defoliate it every june and use the occasion to wire it. This is a better time to wire because as opposed to early spring because you are not in danger to break off your valuable buds that are starting to swell when putting the wire on. Also I noticed that the swelling of the branches happens a lot faster in spring / early summer as opposed to late summer so you can leave the wire on a little longer. I also airlayered it and had absolutely no problems with that, full success. All in all it is a beautiful and easy species that ramifies well and has one of the best fall colours I know.


I appreciate that information. Just for clarity I am in late winter early spring…buds are swollen. I have tried late summer which it sounds like your suggesting. Leaf drop on the fall was not successful for me (random dieback). I will make sure to stay of the wire. Do you have it in 100% akadama ( I do and am tho about adding in 20% pumice next repot)

Rather 50/50 Akadama and Pumice (I don’t measure). Pure Akadama is a little wet for this species, it really likes it dry, kind of like olives or junipers.
And yes, I know that the buds are swollen right now. That’s the problem. Because if you put the wire on now you have to be very careful as you can easily damage or break off those buds. You don’t have that problem if you do it in june after defoliation.
Random dieback sounds more like a root issue too me.

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Oh and one more thing:
The roots are very sensitiy to cold temperatures. Root damaging temperatures start from about -4 or -5°C (I think thats ~20°F). So don’t expose it to very cold weather, that could kill it. I keep mine frostfree in the greenhouse.

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Thanks I appreciate the insights. Do you have some pictures of it, would love to see it.

I have some photos of last years fall colours. The tree was grown from standard nursery material and still needs some years to develop. Right now im working on improving secondary and tertiary ramification and the nebari. We grow the air layered part as a big potted plant on our balcony and by now it’s at least 5x the size of the part it was air layered from :smile:

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very nice! the one I have been working on was standard nursery stock as well

So based on what your telling me, everything suggest it would be best to wait until I have some heat (as long as possible but still before it leafs out) to repot this?

Depends. If you can keep it frost-free in the greenhouse you probably can repot it now.

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She got a new dress, its a the golden spirit variety yellow/green leaves

old pot but in leaf

Nice. I like the combination. The glaze fits this kind of tree very well.
If it was my tree I would probably air-layer the main trunk just above the first junction where the first branch goes to the left. That would eliminate that long straight section and give the possibility to build a shohin out of it which in my view would suit that special kind of nebari very well.

thank you… I actually thought about airlayering for that reason but ultimately dont have any interest in shohin at this point