Has anyone had success getting old Buxus (Common Boxwood) to back bud? I’ve read to cut the branches all back, but then read the branch will die if there isn’t a bud. I collected these from a trash pile last April 2024, planted in straight pumice and they have put on new growth. Should I wait another year, or prune a few back that have new growth further down the stem? I really need to push these back as they are about 3 feet tall and spindly.
Cutting off all the green on a branch will definitely kill it. Give the plants plenty of fertilizer and water. periodically spraying will also help. Place them in a very bright spot or full sun depending on climatic conditions. If you then cut back the new shoots during the growing season, they should sprout again inside. However, it is important to always leave some green (not too little - a third to a half I think is a good reference point). You should feel your way around.
I would recommend giving them another year before doing anything else to them. It’s always best to give collected material at least two years to recover from collection before working on them.
Thanks, I was thinking I need to wait another year - always wanting to make a quick bonsai and need to resist the temptation - lol. I’ll fertilize and hope they start to fill out closer to the trunk. They are a good 6" around the base, I’d hate to loose them.
Don’t over fertilize them , they don’t necessarily have to have foliage to cut back to but it’s a good plan to ensure because it’s not predictable. Girth of the branch is the best indicator if you will get budding on a “naked branch” but it’s not a sure thing. Watch the Rodney Clemons content. As an arborist I had access to save about 15 large ones that were getting removed and all lived but didn’t see much back budding until year two. I also give them a little Epsom salt per Rodneys thought’s.