Someone asked on the forums if the age of the affordable pot is dead. The answer is definitively, not on Etsy. I found a great store called Samarkand Pottery that makes beautiful earthy pots like these in the $60-$100 range. If you don’t have $1000 to drop on a Benda, check this place out!
Beautiful pots! I think I even had one of those in my shopping cart at one point, but the shipping costs were pretty steep for where I live. Etsy is good for pots, though; especially rounds with fun textures. These ones you got look great and I look forward to seeing them paired with trees
Thanks! You’re right, the shipping was insane so I had to make sure I bought everything he had at once to make it worth it. Now I just need to resist the urge to pot something before spring.
Right??? I had to put all my new pots in a box and tape it shut so I wouldn’t be tempted, lol
Great pots! Nice table too! Now to start the search for the perfect trees for these…
Thanks Moon. I’ve got some slash pines I’ve been growing from seed that I think are about ready for refinement that’ll be going in. If they look halfway decent I’ll post update pics
Interesting look to these ceramics. Nice variety of colors.
Check for bonsai conventions and club auctions. There are many excellent potters in the country who charge very affordable prices for well-made pots. Covid put a damper on my auction circuit. I love going to bonsai club auctions to find deals. Perhaps a little grim, but Florida is a good place to find deals on pots because many retirees take up the hobby, and, well, suddenly everything is up for auction.
Very grim indeed Bill, but I used to live in St. Pete so I can confirm your observation.