I didn't realize that bald cypress do this

I’ve seen cones in them before. In fact, it currently has some. Then I noticed these things. :confused:


Okay, apparently this is due to some insect attack. Gonna be cutting those off and literally burning with fire using my yakisugi torch.

“Bald cypress twig galls are abnormal growths of leaf bud tissue triggered by the attack of the cypress twig gall midge Taxodiomyia cupressiananassa .”


Yes, looks like it might be a twig gall. That doesn’t look like a normal spot for cones to grow (not that I have a ton of experience with bald cypress).


Thats awsome. Attack of the cypress snatchers…
Que the 'Twilight Zone ’ music… do do dedo do do de dode…
Would make a pretty name for a southern belle… Cupressiananassa… :joy:
Ya, fry their arses…

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Lol, now I’ll hear that whenever I look over my BC trees. :laughing:

I burnt those bad boys to a crisp and then proceeded to torch a couple of my grow boxes that haven’t been touched up yet. :slight_smile:

Wanted to see how this played out…?
Also, wanted to ask how ‘old’ are your bald cypress, the ones setting cones?
Oh YA, DO DO DEDO DO… Enjoy!

I just plucked them out and it was fine. Never really spread beyond that. My landscape BC that has cones has been in the ground for a couple of years. I’m not sure how old it is. It has exploded in size though. It really likes where it is, but I’m thinking of digging it up. It’ll get way too big where it is.


I have these on my sitka spruce. Im new to spruce and I thought this is how they made cones?!?!!?! Should I remove?

Yup, just remove and you’ll be fine.

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right on, this has been a nasty year for adelgids

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