Fall Collecting

Curious what experience others have had with fall collecting of trees. Whether adviseable or not, best possible timing, aftercare etc.

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what region of the world do you live in???

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I live in the USA in Wisconsin. Collect in both the north and south of the state. I have collected successfully late August, early September. Seems I have read and/or heard of collecting through October but am wondering how well the roots could be established if that late. Wondering if a heating pad would make the difference. Thoughts appreciated!

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Deciduous in the spring as buds are emerging, conifers in fall when their growing period has ended.
Also a heat mat will increase root development and extend growth period as the air temperature drops.
Good luck collecting :grinning::evergreen_tree:

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I have heard fall is a good time for collecting conifers and I have gotten some from collectors collected in October from pretty cold/extreme environments, but trying to understand how that leaves enough time for root development. Thanks for any thoughts or insight!

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I believe and anybody correct me if I am wrong, it’s because vascular growth is happening at that time. :+1:t2::evergreen_tree::metal:t2:

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I believe this was brought up before in a q&a. If I remember correctly fall is acceptable to collect but spring is the optional time as you can get awaywith more. The reason some trees are collected in fall is the area they are growing in still has snow and come spring the collector isn’t able to access them.