Eden root growth

Is this type of root growth normal in 3 months?

I repotted these Eastern White Pine in May 2024.

Although these plastic pots are designed to air prune the roots, because they were mounded in gravel due to the wind the roots reached out of the pot.

So I know plants do this over time, but do they normally do it in 3 months?
Or is this a side effect of using Eden nutrition?

Repotted in ALP in May 2024

How big is the tree?

Two different trees
Both 1”-2” at the base
Pre Bonsai stage of development
Approximately 3 foot tall if they had not been bent

They where wildly collected a few ago and saw great root growth in a organic soil mix while being introduced to Eden products

Repotted in May 2024 in ALP mix.

I am always curious about how much root growth or growth in general Eden products and Apical rec will produce

So I was wondering if this type of root growth was the norm in such a short period of time.

Since most of my tree are in development, strong growth is what I am looking for.

For those of you in refinement it may also be good information to see, and I thought some folks might find it beneficial

I think it’s impossible to say for sure if that’s from Eden. I’m sure if you’re doing everything else correctly then the Eden products are definitely helping. Ultimately I am going to assume that both trees have a good amount of foliar mass to drive the root growth.

I have seen similar root on some of the EWPs but I also have had a few that have putted along. Even with my trees I development I have switched to a mostly “organic” liquid (fish hydrolysate, kelp mix) based nutrition and the timing seems to superseded everything else including dosage.

So I don’t know if you can get a straight forward answer, unless you A-B test it and get another one and don’t give it Eden.

Either way sounds like you have them in a good spot and keep doing what you have been doing.

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Thanks for the info!

On the slower trees that are putting along you could try hydro and super carb, if you are organic. And see if they push harder. I am finding some things really respond well to super carb/hydro drench.

Thanks again for the insight.

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