I’ve watched the video many times because i wanted to try his method of collecting oaks.
I’ve done everything like he describes but sadly he missed out to tell one important step.
The method in short: collect oaks in Dezember or Januar 》cover the tree with a black plastic bag so it gets no light and doesn’t loose to mutch water, then put it in a frost free greenhouse 》when the first leafes are out change the plastic bag from a black to a transparent one. Still let it in the greenhouse under a shade cloth. 》in the begining of june the tree can go outside but sill under shade.
The problem is that he never told when to remove the transparent bag from the tree. I tried to ask him in the comments but got no answer.
Has someone heard or practised this method before and can help me out with this?
After taking it out of the greenhouse, knowing it still doesn’t have many new roots until after its first fall out of collection, I would leave the transparent bag on the tree for a little after moving it out of the green house. I also live in a very mediterranean climate, and by June, things can be getting dry.
For me, I would also open the bag in the mornings and maybe mist it. Then at the driest part of my days, I would close the bag back up to keep the foliage from drying out too much. Each week I would probably decrease the amount of time the bag is sealed as the tree is able to regulate its temperature and water requirements.
I live in lower austria and thats a quercus robur.
I just removed the black bag this weekend, it was collected in januar and stayed in the bag till now.
The tree has survived 2023 quite good i thought,
but now it’s the beginning of May and unfortunately nothing is happening. All of my younger specimens have already sprouted.
My question to you: how long can it take for a weakened tree to sprout again and when can we assume that nothing will happen?
Sure, last year it still had the reserves from the previous year and by cutting the taproot I weakened the tree massively. So I can imagine that it is currently busy forming roots and that the sprouting will come later. A few small new buds have formed, but they are growing very slowly or almost not at all. And the buds from last year are not swelling properly either. I check every day to see if they are growing, but it seems to me as if the tree is going downhill. Or is that just me?
All of my oaks are late leafing out. The red and whites are finally leafed out… still small narley grey / white leaves…? My smaller Robur oaks are just now fully leafed, same odd grey leaves. I have a Pin oak that has green buds, and a English oak that is just now swelling…
I have several Jacqueline Hillier Elms that have only minor swelling. They ARE alive… two others have had leaves for a month…
Wierd spring.?