Collected crepe myrtle evolution

Structural Setting 8/24/19

Two big events for this tree:

  1. I’ve struggled to get Mirai’s top dressing to thrive in Louisiana, so I’ve applied kiryu to several trees instead – and it’s transformed my watering practice. Thanks much to @joe_perry and this thread for the suggestion!

  2. Per @ryan’s advice in Forum Q&A 29, I went out and did the tree’s first structural setting. This was my first time working on a larger, more expensive piece of material – and one that I feel so strongly about! – so I feel pretty good about how it went! Actions taken:

  • Wired out the defining branch on the far right (lowered it, gave it some motion, moved the tertiary pieces around to maximize light access); the furthest point is pointing straight up because I cracked it riiiight at the end of the living tissue, and I’m trying to keep that bit from dying off;

  • Significant reduced some of the unusable pieces near the base of the defining branch on the right;

  • Raised the apical branch ~10 degrees; it’s very stiff, so I’m nervous about giving it any more movement right now;

  • Thinned out the large clump of branches in the top left, mostly to balance vigor (didn’t lose any serious mass);

  • Didn’t touch the bottom left-hand branch; it needs to do something, but it’s not flexible enough right now for the bend I want, and I’m hoping to get some back budding that I can cut back to for a more interesting angle.



As always, I welcome feedback!