Chinese elm problem

Hi all,

I got two elms, a Chinese and a Siberian.
On some leaves I spotted something that concerns me. Although I searched, I can’t find what it may be. any help would be appreciated.

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Gall mites (?) Check and do some research on this whether that could be an answer and so way towards solution.
I just used google lens being curious so don’t take it as a solid answer .
Good luck,hopefully you can treat it :slight_smile:

Thanks for your input. That might be it.
I’ll research it.

Yes this is leaf gall, which my Zelkova elms have as well. It’s my understanding they are unsightly but do not cause the tree any harm. Generally probably best to leave them be as the leaves still photosynthesize. Prevention seems to be dormant oil spray in the winter.

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Thank you!
This eases my mind!

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I have several Zelkova elm and a quick survey only found the top leaves infected on one of the trees.

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