Baobab air layer

Hi everyone I have a 17 yr old baobab tree that ive been thinking of air layering into 2. Wondering if anyone has any ideas on how successful this has been or could be. Baobabs are a succulent tree which im wondering if air layer work the same as a woody tree? Thanks.

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Its adonsai digitata also

Air layering does not work with succulents the way that it does for other species. I’ve never worked with Baobab, but if it’s like other succulents you should be able to cut it where you want to separate and have it sprout roots, like a branch cutting would. Check out Ryan’s stream on succulent repotting where he goes over this. Also, check out drkauff’s comments in the Dwarf Jade topic.

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I was looking for information on baobabs for bonsai, stumbled on this post, and though it’s dated, wanted to add to it for anyone else out there looking for more baobab information.

You can air layer baobabs the same way you would air layer a ficus. I have done this successfully mid-summer in central Florida. I use sphagnum moss and make sure to wring out the excess water to avoid the stem from rotting. I have tried propagating Adansonia digitata by taking branch cuttings while the tree is dormant and while the tree is actively growing and have never been successful.