Aspen Tree Air Layer

I performed an air layer in Spring on an Aspen and checked it around August. There was large thickening, but no roots. I re-wounded the callus and replaced spaghnum and continued water/oxygen care. It is now November and all leaves have fallen for the winter. How do I maintain this over winter cold? Do I need to wrap both root system of main tree and the air layer? Do I bring indoors to keep warm? I do not have a greenhouse. Any suggestions?

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Mark, just had this discussion yesterday with a local instructor regarding a Shimpaku I air layered July 25th. Newbie mistake in probably air layering too late in season for Chicago. I was going to cover air layer and pot in rubber mulch, but I was told that covering other branches under air layer would not be good. Gentleman suggested I remove the air layer and start again in Spring. As new guy I asked about wrapping or pasting over area with bark removed and I was told not needed. Hope this perspective may help. Curious to hear from others…regards.

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Ryan covers this in the Air Layer Separation stream, I believe. Basically, it’ll be fine. Just leave it alone and look for root growth in the Spring.

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I saw that stream, but I’m not sure he is talking about Colorado winters. I would think the air layer created roots would be exposed and freeze to death. Seems like I should protect them.

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Protect them with an insulation of some kind, maybe leaves in a garbage bag… but be aware, the theory is… the rooting area is higher in sugars, allowing for frost protection.
I have never lost an aspen, down to -5F with minimal covering.
If the top survives winter and leafs out, I would re-scrape the cambium layer, add rooting powder, and cover it back up. May take another spring.
Strange, Aspan grow crazy fast… should have had good roots in fall, cut off and pot up the naxt spring…
HOWEVER, I’m 0 for 6 on airlayers myself…:stuck_out_tongue:
I bought 3 pots of cheap aspen… put together a forest…