Walnut tree yamadori

I have english walnut trees and black walnut trees in back yard and was wondering when i dig them up and put into a box do i keep the native soil or replace with something else like my perlite coco coir mix.

First, realize that adult walnut leaves are typically the size of THREE hands… ; and will not reduce much smaller than one hand.
Second, wait for spring…
Third, if you just have to… go for as much taproots as you can stand to dig…at least as much fine roots up high… into a grow box with pummice…Shade and moist for at least a month. Trim top minimally back to obvious side branches and live nodes…
That being said, I love a challenge…
One year old carpathian walnut saplings have a short taproot and are resiliant. I lifted one two weeks ago. Little soil on minor roots , into decideous bonsai mix in a gallon nursery pot. It wilted for a week, then perked up and is growing…,
My nextdoor neighbor feeds squirrels walnuts. I have at least six 3 yo walnut trees (In the ground…). Even have one that came up IN a bonsai pot… Same for raw almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts… My 5 yo almond tree squirrel planted in a pot is 36" tall… the leaves are 8" sleder spearshaped… Hates being post hardened trimmed… Dont recomend them for bonsai…;(
Mother Nature always finds a way… usually to piss me off!
Bonsai On!

Black walnut has a bit smaller leaves than english walnut…only reason i want to try is because these trees are older than me and have been in grandmothers yard before i was born and want to try and preserve the memories after we sell her house…even if it has to be a larger bonsai like herons bonsai likes then so be it lol…I’m ready for the challenge and thank you for the reply…

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So its a LARGE tree? Not something I would attempt. Drop a photo…

Go slow to make shure it survives lifting. Maybe trim largest limbs now; back to live leaves / buds. Be conservatie…There is lots of time to put out new buds / leaves… Fertalize…
Dig / cut a few surface roots now, at the dripline.
Wait to pre bud in spring to lift. Keep as much native soil that you can lift with the roots…
Good luck.

Sorry no they are maybe 12 inches max but i was just saying growing them as a bigger size tree to accommodate the leaf size…i will send pictures tomorrow as im at work at the moment.

These are the size of what im thinking…there is alot of them that have popped up everywhere because the trees and the squirrels

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Thats the size! Dig a few now; keep a dirt plug around the roots. Save some for spring.Cut the taproot at about 12_14". Into a nursery pot with decideous bonsai soil fill in…
I would only trim the terminal bud / leaf now…
Ill take two!

Thanks for the input…hopefully i can get 1 or 2 to survive…like i said they are everywhere lol