Larix root bound nursery stock

Hi, I live in the south of the UK, I brought two larix nursery stock trees in the summer , I would say they are very very root bound , when would be the best time to report them out of the horrible soil they are in and into more appropriate soil?

When the buds swell in the spring you have about a week long window

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Ideally they are showing just a tiny bit of green at the tip of the bud.

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@MartyWeiser is within 7 days from this point (swelled green at the tip) correct?

Thankyou, very appreciated.

Yes, the 1 week window opens when the buds just start to show green. I have found that you can go longer than 1 week if the tree is waking slowly. If the bud is fully green and shows any signs of looking like a brush then the window is closed for all but very young stock.

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