Browning leaves, Pussy Willow

I am having the tips of the leaves of my Japanese Pussy Willow turning brown. See attached image. Still fairly new at this. Have not found this specific description on-line. Does anyone have an idea of what this might be and how I might address it?


My maples have a similar issue. When I posed the question to Ryan he suspected that it could be a calcium deficiency and that I should supplement with Cal-mag. I’ve done a couple of doses over the last couple of weekends. I use rain water as well, so my ph is about 6.4.

Thanks Bentley, will give that a try!

Thanks again Bentley! My willow has responded very nicely to cal-mag supplementation. Also just found out that our water has a pH of about 8.5. So addressing that as well.

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Nice! Yeah, my maples have responded very favorably as well. It’s crazy. During the dry early part of summer I used distilled vinegar to bring my water pH down.

I fill a 5 gallon bucket a day ahead of time and let it sit out for 24. Not exactly sure what that does (perhaps something related to fluoride in tap water), but it’s what I have to do for my sensitive indoor plants. Figure it can’t hurt for outdoor as well. When I’m ready to use the water I mix in the vinegar to get the desired pH value. I do that because someone mentioned that the pH value will change over time in pre-mixed water. :man_shrugging:t4:

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