A super affordable Cyprus group planting

I put this group together on a piece of slate on the 23rd of February. The little Cyprus were leas than a €1 each. The slate was free as I found it lying around the garden. I collected the moss. The final two images were taken today.


What did you use for the muck wall around the slab?

I have a larch forest on a slab that is similar in style to yours. I used Ryan’s technique of using web sphagnum moss and akadama to build the wall around the root mass for mine. It worked very well and is doing well 2 years after creation.

Here in Spain I am lucky enough to be able to get Keto. So I used super fine Akadama, Keto and Spaghnum moss in equal parts.

I have never seen Keto available here in Ontario, Canada. One of our club members makes his own version using muck from his pond, along with other materials, and he has had very good results. But he is the only person I know that has this kind of product to use here.