Im a 53 yr old Welshman. Got into bonsai some 4 years ago. Attempted to learn bonsai but found myself unable to… just couldnt take it in… bought a load of younger trees to work on but this didnt help. Properly too young, needing to leave um grow. So for the last 2 to 3 years turned to pottery to be able to make pots for my stock.
Pottery side went well, i fully understand this art. So now - im 18 months from retirement. Iv turned back to bonsai to care for my stock… iv far too many trees but thats a gd challenge to have…
A number of trees are now starting to take shape - i need guidance - thank u ryan an mirai for this awesome platform of learning and sharing the knowledge.
Over time now i hope to interact with the group to help move forward.
I love your learning style, cant praise it enought… thank u. Found you at perfect time.