Live Q&A Topic Index - #33-45

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live q+a xxxiii

feb. 8, 2018

​Topics Discussed

0:13 - Larch / Approach grafting
1:46 - Redwood / Deadwood / Apex / Upright design (Follow up at 34:01)
3:41 - Root management / Sickle / Damaging roots / Root ball reduction
5:39 - Large container / Field growing / Lack of space / Development
8:48 - Design / Masculine & feminine traits / Emphasis
10:32 - Oxygen / Role / Root interaction
11:36 - Juniper / Collection tray / Repotting / Timing
13:04 - Conifers / Deciduous / Maintenance / Timing
14:43 - Pinus nigra / Single-flush long needle pine
15:35 - Chinese elm / Design / Container selection / Large canopy
17:53 - Monterey cypress / Development / Nuances
19:36 - Cotoneaster / Bonsai material / Lack of representation
21:11 - First styling / Tree movement / Trunk movement / Design
23:05 - Japanese black pine / Fertilization / Candle pruning / Refinement (Follow up at 27:29)
23:57 - Pines / Establishing shin / Backbudding / Timing
28:53 - Junipers / Juvenile foliage / Aftercare
31:12 - Oaks / Air layer / Zone 9 / Timing
32:46 - Ibigawa stone / Man-made
35:46 - Japanese black pine / Junipers / Loose tree
37:28 - Lava rock / Alternatives / Oxygen exchange / Soil mix
39:05 - Shohin / Rectangular small containers / Fertilizer application
40:47 - Junipers / Deadwood appearance / Species specificity
41:20 - Fertilizer application / Fertilizer breakdown / Microbiotic system
43:49 - Gingko / Design / Styling / Ramification
44:30 - Field growing / Technique / Root work interval / Timing
47:06 - Trunk splitting / Bending / Technique
48:39 - Chamaecyparis pisifera / Refinement / Pinching / Pruning timing
50:13 - Japanese larch / Winter / Wiring / Bud swelling
52:24 - Junipers / Pinching & pruning / Development / Refinement
54:29 - Negative space / Design
56:21 - Trident maple / Root grafting / Technique
58:30 - Fertilizer composition / Auxin & cytokinins
1:00:04 - Junipers / Cone removal
1:00:56 - Junipers / Leggy secondary branches / Styling
1:02:30 - Utah juniper / Salvage media / Deteriorating health / Particle size
1:02:51 - Junipers / Pruning / Tip selection / Development
1:04:00 - Alligator juniper / Related to other junipers
1:04:22 - Seaside juniper / Bonsai material
1:05:35 - Collecting material / Legality
1:06:35 - Automatic sprinkler system / Garden
1:07:58 - Utah juniper / Scent
1:09:06 - California juniper / Sex preference

live q+a xxxiv

feb. 15, 2018

Topics Discussed

1:24 - Juniper / Veneer grafting / Seasonal timing
3:05 - Taxus / Collecting material / Transporting trees / Pickup truck
6:25 - Ponderosa pine / Disproportionate swollen base / Design / Container selection
8:11 - Slab planting / Maintenance / Root mass / Water percolation
9:16 - Birds nest spruce / Increase bud production / Fertilizer application / Timing
10:59 - Diatomaceous earth / Brand selection
12:21 - Scion grafting / Technique / Species specificity
14:11 - Show / Changing containers / Show containers
15:46 - Pinus sylvestris / Single-flush pines / Plucking needles
18:03 - Diatomaceous earth / Roots / Moisture loss
19:56 - Shimpaku juniper / Phomopsis / Subdue Maxx application / Preventative
21:32 - Slab planting / Sphagnum moss wall / Sloped surface / Topdressing application
22:43 - Tying down trees in container / Singular drain hole
25:47 - Salix / Growing section of trunk / Producing roots / Technique
29:13 - Western hemlock / Nursery container / Repotting & styling / Timing
31:36 - Topdressing / Replacement timing
33:08 - Design / Multi-trunk trees / Movement / Maximizing potential
36:36 - Bald cypress / Producing ramification / Development
38:33 - Mirai live / Juan andrade / Tropical species / Southern hemisphere
39:12 - Black pine / Candle pruning / Development / Timing
40:06 - Redwoods / Repotting / Soil composition
41:19 - Scoria / Pumice / Soil composition
44:04 - White fir / Collected material / Winter protection / Branch dieback
46:08 - Southern California / Topdressing / Moss milkshake / Kyoto moss spore
48:02 - Diatomaceous earth / Particle breakthrough
48:48 - Round nursery container / Shallow bonsai container / Development
49:47 - Japanese black pine / Bare root material / Recovery
51:34 - Grapefruit tree / Large leaf size / Cutting back leaves to smaller lobe / Auxin control
52:55 - Bamboo sourcing
53:51 - MICA container / Development
54:53 - Honeysuckle & crab apple / Bud swelling / Winter protection
56:49 - Soil composition / Species specificity / Chart
58:39 - Columbia hawthorn / Bonsai material
59:08 - Botched repot / Wrong angle / Repotting a week later
1:00:08 - Scotch moss / Topdressing / Treatment
1:02:07 - Slab planting / Black pine / Organic soil
1:03:35 - Limited root work / First repotting / Collected material
1:04:52 - Repotting / Greenhouse / Winter protection / Timing
1:06:39 - Slab planting / Sphagnum moss wall / Vertical planting
1:08:00 - Slab planting / Green moss / Surface root growth
1:09:08 - Slab planting / Showing more of the slab

live q&a xxxv

feb. 22, 2018

​Topics Discussed

1:23 - Ponderosa pine / Winter dormancy / Overwintering
2:47 - Sierra juniper / Collected material / Repotting & styling / Timing
3:34 - Sick trees / Separate from healthy trees
4:26 - Root damage / Cold temperature / Root hardening / Cold resistance
5:43 - Compact root system / Proper percolation / Repotting / Tilting container (Follow up at 17:00)
8:23 - Repotting / Soil exposed to flood water
9:17 - Trees buried in snow / Bud swelling / Freezing & thawing / Work timing (Follow up at 11:54)
13:02 - Deciduous / Field growing / Trunk thickening / Fertilizer application
14:40 - Post-repot / Fertilizer application
19:04 - Gray bark elm / White color
20:51 - Rectangular container / Preference
22:47 - Biogold / Fertilizer application / Concentrated piles of fertilizer
24:35 - Mountain hemlock / Collected material / Care & maintenance / Similarity to western hemlock
26:49 - Akadama substitute / Research
29:28 - WD40 / Tool maintenance
30:58 - Deciduous seedling roots / Pruning / Equalizing buds and roots
32:20 - Nursery stock / Indications to repot
34:01 - Fagus sylvatica / Field growing / Poor nebari / Development
36:06 - Building shin / Fertilizer application
38:10 - Tree transportation / Sun exposure / Watering
40:34 - Japanese larch / Air layer
41:01 - Ponderosa pine / Trunk scar creation (Follow up at 1:00:14)
42:09 - Round container / Planting position / Asymmetry / Design
44:53 - Calculating liquid fertilizer / Water hardness
46:42 - Japanese maple / Separating air layer / Seasonal timing
49:07 - Biogold / Fertilizer application / Tree in modern substrate / Pumice & lava mix
50:37 - Improving wire technique / Exercises
51:58 - Japanese black pine / Post repot fertilizer application / Candle pruning / Timing
53:54 - Bamboo chopstick / Pine or poplar alternative
55:45 - Procumbens juniper / Producing new growth / Maintenance pruning & wiring / Timing
56:48 - Black pine / Post-repot fertilizer application / Candle pruning / Timing
58:52 - Water jasmine / Defoliated / Spindly new growth / Pruning timing
1:03:16 - Rocky mountain juniper / Post-repot / Borer susceptibility
1:04:32 - Rocky mountain juniper / Post-repot / Fertilizer application / Schedule
1:05:59 - Slab planting / Cupped sloped slab / Soil mix integration / Sphagnum moss application

live q&a xxxvi

mar. 1, 2018

Topics Discussed

1:59 - Common juniper / Soil composition / Akadama substitute
3:09 - Penetrating epoxy sealer / Strength shaky deadwood / Collected material
4:21 - Juniper / Collected material / Recovery / Pollen, flower, & berry removal
5:38 - Pines / Smaller soil particle size / Watering schedule / Water retention
7:08 - Japanese black pine / Shohin / Development / Shoot selection timing
8:08 - Japanese fertilizer basket / Avoid moss discoloration / Fertilizer application
9:10 - Organic granular fertilizer / Milorganite / Weed control
11:37 - Deadwood preservation / Smith’s clear penetrating epoxy sealer / CPES / Alternate products
13:03 - Separated air layer / Tiedown to container / Protecting new roots
14:59 - Mulch insulation / White fuzzy mold / Identification / Treatment
16:29 - Moss surface / Mesh protection
18:34 - Frozen root ball / Watering
19:10 - Deciduous / Forest compositions / Shallow container / Aeration layer
20:35 - Rooting hormone / Repotting / Increasing success rate
21:44 - Kengai / Han kengai / Calculating height & size
23:16 - Elongating species / Identification / Characteristics
25:40 - Juniperus squamata / Work timing / Producing backbudding / Scale vs. needle juniper
27:26 - Dwarf alberta spruce / Heavy foliage reduction / Winter protection / Browning & dyingneedles
29:30 - Moss collection / Proper collection sites
30:56 - Pines / Collected material / Heatbed / Winter protection
32:01 - Potting air layer / Repotting / Aeration layer
32:57 - Air layer / Tiedown to container / Steel wire gauge
33:52 - Conifers / Deciduous / Collected material / 100% pumice
34:55 - Lava rock / Pulverize to smaller size
36:22 - Japanese boxwoods / Mirai live
37:07 - Sierra juniper / Kanuma / Soil mix / Alkaline tap water
38:37 - Common juniper / Squamata juniper / Identification / Soil substrate
39:57 - Root-over-rock planting / Development / Root work
43:44 - Mountain mahogany / Bonsai material
44:45 - Free form ceramics stream / Epoxy application / Deadwood in contact with soil
45:40 - Mugo pine / Repotting / Timing
46:45 - Junipers / Collected material / Urban environments / Post-collection procedure
48:10 - Coastal redwood / Formal upright / Creating taper with trunk chop / Development
49:20 - Redwoods / Deteriorating new growth / Recovery
50:55 - Japanese black pine / Field grown material / Large nursery pot / Repotting timing
52:02 - Mugo pine / Sun exposure

live q&a xxxvii

mar. 8, 2018

Topics Discussed

1:18 - Prophylactic spray / Cleary’s 3336 / Deciduous / Growing season spray application
3:31 - Rocky mountain juniper / Winter protection / Small root mass / Transition out of protection (Follow up at 27:57)
5:57 - Japanese larch / Stimulating backbudding / Maintaining fine growth / Refinement
7:32 - Fertilization schedule / Building resources / Seasonal timing / Fall vs. spring fertilizer application
9:19 - Japanese maple / Pin oak / Air layer / Timing
11:29 - Soil particle size / Species specificity / Strategy
13:48 - Large root removal / Tree already in training
15:41 - Reusing repotting soil / Anderson flat growout trees / Soil recycling process
17:36 - Mugo pine / Multi-flush pine identification / Nuances
18:22 - Ceramic containers / Oil application / Silicone spray / Cleaning
19:03 - Japanese maple / Branch development / Cutting back to buds
21:47 - Air layer substrate / Soil vs. sphagnum moss
23:32 - Style or repot first / Nursery stock vs. yamadori
26:02 - Lodgepole pine / Collected material / Fertilizer application / Indicators
28:34 - Loblolly pine / Collected material / Browning needles / Repotting out of sand (Follow up at 44:36)
30:43 - Trident maple / Field grown material / Leafing out / Indicators for branch removal
32:07 - Eastern white pine / White fuzz around new buds
33:39 - Heat bed construction / Propagation mat / Protection from water / Proper heat bed layering
34:43 - Infested soil disposal / Ecologically correct solution
35:50 - Electric wire / Thermal treatment / Wiring
36:41 - Biogold content / Fertilizer production
38:03 - Stone pine / Single flush vs. multi-flush pine / Identification
39:04 - Aggressive fertilizer application
40:34 - Ficus / Schefflera / Soil mix ratio
41:46 - Colander vs. wood box planting
43:04 - Ume / Weak & dry blooms
45:26 - Conifers / Field grown material vs. yamadori / Repotting & styling timing
46:34 - Wire bite / Removal / Aftercare
47:31 - Biogold / Organic fertilizer effects / Scientific literature (Follow up at 51:45)
50:08 - Organic fertilizer nuggets / Lack of breakdown
51:19 - Mugo pine / Dense foliage / Best approach for work
53:04 - Controlling pests & diseases / Mirai live
53:54 - Pomegranate repotting / Pin exposed roots
54:22 - Pomegranate repotting / Watering
54:48 - Japanese maple / Nursery stock / Recent repotting / Air layer
55:43 - Nursery stock / Follow up livestreams / Mirai live
56:35 - Pomegranate repotting / Watering during repot / Solidify root position
57:42 - Bald cypress / First flush of growth / Pruning timing
59:08 - Akadama / Sourcing
1:00:14 - Repotting / Chopstick application / Influencing root growth
1:01:05 - Pomegranate / Branch cutback / Thorns
1:01:35 - Pomegranate / Susceptibility to over or under watering / Tree death
1:02:50 - Collecting material / Sandy loam native soil
1:04:05 - Black bamboo / Chopstick creation
1:05:02 - Cut paste application / Pine vs. deciduous
1:06:15 - Foil tape
1:06:30 - Pomegranate / Similarity to honeysuckle
1:06:48 - Japanese maple / Deciduous tree master / Japan

live q&a xxxviii

mar. 15, 2018

Topics Discussed

0:21 - Loblolly pine / Field grown material / Root production / Collecting technique
2:46 - Lace leaf japanese maple / Air layering branches / Pruning & foliage reduction / Seasonal timing
4:09 - Japanese holly / Nursery stock / Broadleaf evergreens
5:34 - Deciduous / Repotting / Trunk thickening / Development
7:13 - Juniper procumbens / Shohin / Refinement / Fertilizer application
8:31 - Partial defoliation / Smaller leaf production / Backbudding
10:50 - Coast live oak / Air layer viability
11:04 - Japanese white pine / Dwarf cultivars / Nuances / Development
13:32 - Chinese juniper / Tip blight / Prevention / Treatment
14:53 - Japanese black pine / Trunk thickening / Technique (Follow up at 22:53)
17:36 - Elongating species / Pruning / Directing energy / Fertilizer application & timing
19:26 - Deciduous / Refinement / Pinching new growth
20:46 - Lebanon cedar / Development / Seasonal cycles / Timing
24:53 - Small leaf azalea / Nursery container / Branch dieback / Southern exposure
25:46 - Japanese maple / Refinement / Seasonal timing / Technique
28:50 - Corkscrew willow / Trunk cutting / Rooted in water / Transition to soil
29:57 - Trident maple / Japanese maple / Identification / Repotting
31:05 - Scots pine / Fertilizer application
31:50 - Automatic watering system / Sprinkler location
33:22 - Colorado blue spruce / Development / Shifting to refinement / Pinching & pruning
34:55 - Fabric container / Similarity to colander / Development
35:55 - Ginkgo / Pruning / Producing ramification
36:46 - Deciduous / Fertilizer application / Organic fertilizer / Timing
38:49 - Ponderosa pine / Collected material / Backbudding / Repotting indicators
40:05 - Greenhouse / Dehumidifier / Humidity level
41:12 - Japanese maple / Red colored varieties / Variegated foliage / Greenhouse
42:32 - Fertilizer application / Teabags / Foliar feeding / Biogold
44:00 - Scots pine / Field grown material / Lack of roots
45:55 - Juniperus thurifera / Grafting itoigawa / Grafting technique / Seasonal timing
47:12 - Collecting material / Legality
49:20 - Chinese juniper / Leggy growth / Compacting design
50:44 - Spruce / Repotting indicators / Bud push
52:10 - Nursery material / Root bound / Root reduction / Technique
54:14 - Ume / Scion graft / Timing / Indicators
55:14 - Arakawa / Recent repot / No leakage from branch cut
56:13 - Bar branch / Whorl
57:48 - Weeping cedar / Wiring / Branch hardening
58:57 - Dwarf alberta spruce / Heavy branch pruning / Environment change / Timing
1:00:39 - Atlas cedar / Bud on older bark
1:01:45 - Deodar cedar / Atlas cedar / Similarities in environment
1:02:48 - Atlas cedar / Layering / Bad graft
1:04:00 - Atlas cedar / Repotting / Protection
1:05:18 - Ash juniper / Collecting material / Seasonal timing
1:06:13 - Blue atlas cedar / Yellowing needles / Preventing spread
1:07:40 - Bark formation / Rapid increase in growth / Health deterioration
1:08:48 - Atlas cedar / Repotting technique / High nebari

q&a xxxix

mar. 21, 2018

Topics Discussed

2:44 - Akadama substitute / Hydroton
3:56 - Japanese maples & trident maples / Phytophthora / Treatment & prevention / Subdue Maxx
5:48 - Ficus benjamina / Repotting / Timing / Trunk thickening
7:53 - Hanagokoro fertilizer
8:57 - Seedlings / Tie down to container
10:15 - Black pine / Repotting / Lack of health / Root investigation (Follow up at 14:13)
11:09 - Deciduous / Generating bifurcation / Pinching vs. pruning
15:39 - Blue alps juniper / Tip blight / Infected foliage removal
16:46 - Ume / Shohin / Root pruning / Root production
18:17 - Cuttings / Seedlings / Pear & perlite substrate / Repotting soil mix
19:17 - Juniper nana / Nursery stock / Repotting / Timing
19:51 - Shore pine / Bark damage from animals / Prevention
20:49 - Japanese beech / Pruning scars / Healing scars / Lime sulfur application
24:04 - Deciduous / Pruning / Timing
25:26 - Juniper nana / Repotting / Pruning & wiring / Timing
26:35 - Container orientation / Container feet / Design
28:52 - Lava rock substitute
29:46 - Chinese elm / Pad formation / Timing
31:53 - Weeping willow / Wiring / Timing
32:59 - Water purification system / Salt tank & carbon filter / Watering
33:57 - Fish emulsion & seaweed application / Foliar feeding vs. watering container
35:41 - Ponderosa pine / Styling / Avoiding cluttered look / Design
36:35 - Procumbens juniper / Shohin / Cascade design / Tie down strategy
38:08 - Pumice substitute
39:26 - Shari work / timing
40:01 - Patagonian cypress / Similarity to monterey cypress
40:29 - Repotted trees / Winter protection / Mold in top dressing
41:29 - Deciduous / Branch cut / Flush vs. concave cut
42:31 - Japanese white pine / Branch dieback / White mold / Spider mite identification
44:04 - Ume / Shohin / Weak flowering / Repotting soil mix
45:31 - Seedlings / Repotting / Timing
46:14 - Top dressing / Moss growth / Timing
47:33 - Nursery material selection / Prioritizing desirable features
48:56 - White pine / Development / Refinement / Pad formation
50:15 - Ponderosa pine / Needle browning / Overwatering / Identification
52:14 - Azalea / Failed air layer
53:15 - Brazilian rain tree / Weak growth / Repotting
54:41 - Cotoneaster / Air layer / Timing
55:07 - Bending / Second bend / Timing
56:00 - Biogold & dr. earth fertilizer / Fertilizer application
58:16 - New moon maple / Partial defoliation
59:46 - Colorado blue spruce / Latex gloves / Avoiding removing wax from needles
1:01:13 - Rocky mountain juniper / White specks on foliage / Sap
1:02:33 - River rocks / Container / Extra weight

q&a xl

mar. 28, 2018

Topics Discussed

0:13 - Ume / Field grown material / Root control bag / Repotting container
2:15 - Prostrata juniper / Nursery stock / Development / Thickening
4:40 - Prostrata juniper / Wiring & styling / Seasonal timing / Spring
5:57 - Limber pine / Phytophthora / Treatment regimen / Subdue Maxx
8:01 - Japanese black pine / Swelling inverse taper / Pruning / Seasonal timing
9:09 - Linden / Covering borer holes
10:28 - Spruce / Species specificity / Consistent bud production at pinch site
12:15 - Trident maple / Forest planting / Development / Slim elegant trunks
13:27 - Chokecherry / Repotting / Timing
14:37 - Mikawa black pine / Development / Recent repot / Decandling timing
16:05 - Larch / Shin / Design
17:12 - Deciduous / Nursery stock / Repotting & pruning / Timing
18:33 - Repotting Fundamentals stream / Shore pine / Weak health / Update
19:43 - Itoigawa juniper / Approach grafting / Preparing grafting stock / Technique
21:09 - Purchasing collected material / Questions for the seller / Yamadori
22:17 - Dawn redwood / Pruning / Technique
23:32 - Kokufu exhibition / 60’s & 70’s / Highest level of japanese bonsai
24:39 - Repotting / Technique / Species specificity
26:01 - Dawn redwood / Repotting / Grow box / Timing
27:27 - Trident maple / Recent repot / Bud swelling / Redistributing sugar & starches
33:02 - Sabina juniper / Development / Refinement
31:39 - Dwarf pomegranate / Backbudding on old wood / Trunk chop / Foliage production
32:42 - Nursery stock / Indoor storage / Winter protection
34:14 - Sweetgum / Collecting field grown material

q&a xli

apr. 5, 2018

​Topics Discussed

1:46 - Hinoki cypress / Repotting / Lighter foliage color / Aftercare
3:11 - Squirrels / Pests / Prevention
4:56 - Design / Balance / Visual interest
6:58 - Deciduous / Veneer grafting / Scion buds & length / Bleeding water
9:31 - Corkbark oak / Repotting / Barerooting / Timing
11:47 - Boxwood / Field grown material / Root work / Repotting soil composition
14:07 - Summer watering / Water usage / Cooling
16:45 - Japanese maple / Pruning / Seasonal timing
19:27 - Juniper / Winter protection / Indoor storage / Deteriorating health
21:56 - Chinese elm / Bud removal / Timing
23:06 - Ebihara technique / Moving developed branches
25:39 - Azalea / Rhododendron / Nursery material / Backbud production
27:51 - Engelmann spruce / Healthy foliage / Cone production / Removing cones
28:40 - Wiring / Show vs. development vs. maintenance
32:28 - Pines / Repotting / Seasonal timing
34:39 - Cascading design / Styling characteristics
36:56 - Refinement / Fertilization / Smaller soil particle
40:20 - The secret life of trees
40:47 - Japanese black pine / Fertilizer application / Pruning / Candle growth
41:38 - Pomegranate / Shallow container / Energy for fruit & flowers
43:19 - Deciduous / Pruning / First flush of growth / Timing
44:57 - Deciduous / Heavy cutback / Before bud push vs. hardened new growth / Timing
47:10 - Pomegranate / Repotting / Root removal
48:58 - Lodgepole pine / Deteriorating health / Repotting / Soil composition
50:04 - Chinese elm / Filling in hollows / Re-wounding calluses / Technique
52:23 - Sabina juniper / Repotting / Dry foliage / Poor root health
53:48 - Juniper / White stuff on needles
56:04 - Scots pine / Bronze colored needles / Fungal infection / Fungicide application
57:47 - Black pine / Collected material / Repotting / Recover health
59:39 - Ume / Shohin / Repotting soil / Mud removal
1:00:49 - Birch / Pruning / Technique

q&a xlii

apr. 23, 2018

​Topics Discussed

1:49 - Watering / Schedule / Retaining moisture
4:45 - Japanese pieris / Nursery stock / Flower removal / Energy distribution
5:46 - Topdressing / Establishing moss / Indicators for watering
8:25 - Boxwood / Japanese holly / Nursery stock / Repotting timing
9:42 - Virginia juniper / Repotting timing
10:58 - Deciduous / Ume / Scion grafting / Technique
13:50 - Biogold / Fertilizer application / Tea bags / Sphagnum moss
16:06 - Carpinus / Pinching new shoots / Maintaining node length
17:19 - Fertilizer application / Additional supplements / Homeopathic substances / Stimulate microorganisms
19:45 - Boxwood / Japanese holly / Initial repot / Foliage & root reduction
21:28 - Itoigawa juniper / Post-repot aftercare / Watering
23:22 - Diatomaceous earth / Soil substrate
24:05 - Larch / Removing algae & moss on bark
26:13 - Atlantic white cedar / Nursery stock / Nuances
28:37 - Shohin / Smaller soil particle size
30:54 - Stone pine / Elongating species identification
32:10 - Boxwood / Landscape material / Defoliate / Indicators
33:59 - Fertilizer application / Gas pedals / Frequency & quantity
36:37 - Lebanon cedar / Shedding old needles / Fungal issue
38:38 - Pomegranate stream / Finished tree image
39:04 - Cotoneaster prostrate rock / Nursery stock / Features to look for / Work timing
40:14 - Post-repotting / Unoccupied soil vs. root filled soil / Water & oxygen balance
42:24 - Bird’s nest spruce / Coarse surface root development / Loss of water holding space / Root removal
43:42 - Deciduous / Post-repotting / Cold protection
44:41 - Boxwood / Soil composition
45:43 - Limber pine / Repotting / Timing
47:18 - Olives / Twisting trunk / Counter-clockwise vs. clockwise rotation
48:42 - Fungal spray application / Daconil / Mancozeb
51:17 - Japanese black pine / Recent repotting / Root reduction / Needle browning
53:30 - Spruce / Bark removal around circumference / Death of tree

q&a xliii

apr. 30, 2018
Topics Discussed

1:31 - Hard water / Removing calcium deposits on nebari
2:44 - Azalea / Nursery stock / Holes on leaves
4:10 - Deciduous / Collected material / Soil composition / Diatomaceous earth
6:27 - Scots pine / Poor watering / Yellowing needles / Weak branches
8:29 - Broadleaf evergreens / Repotting from nursery container / Timing
9:46 - Birch / Care / Repotting / Nuances
10:39 - Smooth barked species / Big cuts / Contouring cuts
12:47 - Air layer / Water & oxygen balance / Plastic cover over roots
14:24 - Japanese white pine / Japanese black pine / Zuisho / Grafting (Follow up at 20:42)
14:49 - Chinese elm / Loss of foliage from storm
15:36 - Nursery stock / Repotting / Seasonal timing
17:02 - Air layer / Pumice substrate / Root growth
18:20 - Locust tree / Frost damage / Dead tips
21:58 - Single flush pines / Short needle vs. long needle / Maintenance / Refinement
23:35 - Azalea / Field grown / Thin trunk / Improving nebari
25:08 - Redwood / Trunk rotting
26:23 - Improving percolation
28:09 - Larch / Unused in japan
29:39 - Bald cypress / Refinement / Shorter internodes & increased density / Timing
31:32 - Madrona / Potential material
33:22 - Ficus / Fungal issue / Mancozeb application / Extremely small leaf production
34:41 - North california walnut / Trunk chop / Sucker growth from base / Development
36:07 - Hornbeam & beech / Forest planting / Trees lacking growth
37:23 - Pinus nigra / Poor root system / Candle elongation / Fertilizer application
38:40 - Mirai / Biggest losses
41:22 - Trident maple / Cold protection / Repotting at new angle / Seasonal timing
42:49 - Yew bush / Planted in the ground / Reducing clay from roots / Seasonal timing
43:45 - Compromised root systems / Fertilizer application
45:31 - Japanese maple / Trunk development / Fertilizer application / Indicators of fertilizing too heavy
46:57 - Vine maple / Collecting technique
48:12 - Azalea / Nursery soil / Transitioning to kanuma or akadama
50:17 - Larch / Creating foliage pads
51:55 - Collected material / Transition out of shelter / Indicators
53:38 - Grafting / White pine / Black pine thunbergii root stock / Water & fertilizer application
55:18 - Thread grafting / American hornbeams / Korean hornbeams
56:33 - Transporting trees / Technique
57:48 - Container selection / Deep vs. shallow pot
59:09 - Hokkaido elm / Air layer / Seasonal timing
1:00:20 - Broadleaf evergreens / Boxwood / Pruning growth to new leaves / Timing
1:00:43 - Broadleaf evergreens / Boxwood / Kingsville variety
1:01:23 - Broadleaf evergreens / Elaeagnus / Air layer / Wiring timing
1:02:57 - Broadleaf evergreens / Boxwood / Recent repotting / Browning & yellowing of leaves
1:04:09 - Broadleaf evergreens / Soil substrate / Solid akadama / Repotting timing
1:04:33 - Mirai / Managing the nursery
1:06:14 - Broadleaf evergreens / Wire bite
1:06:34 - Broadleaf evergreens / Coastal & cork oaks / Development / American south

q&a xliv

may. 4, 2018
Topics Discussed

1:54 - Crabapple / Seedlings / Three cotyledons / Whorled phyllotaxy
4:05 - Redwood / Bud elongation / Pinching / Rotting deadwood
6:16 - Yamagoke moss / Topdressing alternative
7:25 - Cork bark elm / Distorted new growth / Bad shoots / Fungicide application
9:48 - Kimura / Revolutionary design / Nuances
12:28 - Rocky mountain juniper / Recovering health / Wiring & pruning / Seasonal timing
14:21 - Multi-flush pines / Sunburned needles / Photosynthetic capacity / Pruning to the silhouette (Follow up at 16:29)
17:51 - Hedge maple / Sunburned leaves / Removing damaged leaves
19:08 - Dogwoods / Root pruning / Branch pruning / Timing
20:52 - Douglas fir / Collected material / Recent repotting / Aftercare
22:09 - Crape myrtle / Hackberry / Trunk chops / Cut paste application
23:03 - Japanese black pine / Deadwood creation / Apex / Preserving deadwood
24:05 - Loropetalum / Nursery stock / Soil composition / Repotting & styling timing
26:16 - Ponderosa pine / Collected material / Heavy fertilizer application to shorten needles / Pinching new candles
27:47 - Monterey cypress / Interior foliage loss / Root related issue
29:06 - Tamarisk / Collected material / Complete needle loss
30:31 - Larch / Leafed out in greenhouse / Messy foliage growth / Pruning new growth (Follow up at 33:15)
31:47 - Larch / Collecting flushed out material
34:49 - Modern soil substrate / Watering needs
37:06 - Subalpine fir / Similarity to douglas fir / Future livestream
38:24 - Japanese black pine / Growing in the ground / Timing
39:49 - Heavy fertilizer application / Timing / Seasonal application
41:19 - Root grafting stream / Grafting foliage below container
42:28 - Japanese black pine / Development vs. refinement
43:50 - Redwood / Pinching / Development / Thickening trunk
45:12 - Rocky mountain bonsai society / Demo tree
45:41 - Root grafting stream / Soil composition / Pure pumice
46:38 - Root grafting stream / Kimura upside down design
47:56 - Root grafting vs. air layering
49:05 - Air layering / Conifer vs. deciduous / Foliage beneath air layer site
52:21 - Root grafting vs. ground layering

q&a xlv

may. 17, 2018
Topics Discussed

2:00 - Corkbark elm / Curling / Distortion / Fungicide
3:47 - Collected material / Design / Compression vs. elongation / Masculine vs. feminine
6:12 - Japanese maple / Recent repot / Tips wilting / Sun exposure
9:21 - Deciduous / Broadleaf evergreen / Pruning / Technique
13:18 - Black pine / Shoot selection / New shoot production / Decandling
15:14 - Frankincense / Nuances / Development
15:52 - Organic fertilizer application / Biogold / White mold on soil surface
17:07 - Sumac / Calcium deposits on foliage / Cleaning / Preparing for show
18:42 - Elongating species / Species categorization / Definition
23:02 - Eastern red cedar / Twin trunk style / Design
25:52 - Garry oak / Misting / Leafing out / Adapting to full sun exposure
27:23 - Coastal oak / Minimal feeder roots / Collected material / Adapting to full sun exposure
28:46 - Lack of native moss / Showing without moss
29:58 - Rocky mountain juniper / Utah juniper / Repotting timing / Air layered material
32:00 - Diatomaceous earth / Soil composition / Species specificity
33:50 - Nursery stock series streams / Follow up
36:32 - Chinese elm / Moss growth / Preserving bark (Follow up at 43:58)
38:38 - Ficus / Bare root / Wooden box planting / Balance of water & oxygen
39:49 - Larch / Nursery stock / Weak growth / Strong buds near roots
41:33 - Lava alternative / Substitute / UK
42:42 - Douglas fir / Field grown material / Replanting / Tile technique
44:54 - Japanese maple / Nursery stock / Broken branches / Aftercare
47:30 - Podocarpus / Seasonal work / Timing / Similar species
48:22 - Wiring / Improving technique
49:56 - Wiring / Avoiding old wire scars
50:48 - Deciduous / Elongating species / Wiring / Timing


@Kendall, I’ve asked couple questions during that Q&A that were not answered. Is it because of the fact that it was after 30 minutes of the stream (unfortunately time flies when you are having fun and I might missed that 30 minutes marker) or maybe it was related to your problem with chat?

I’m asking because I cant remember what were those questions… :exploding_head:

@strooz - We go line for line during the Q&A so if you came late and there were already a ton of questions, we just may not have gotten down to the ones you entered. People fill up the chat very quickly and so generally unless you come in the beginning, you’ll be hard pressed to get your question answered.

@Kendall I thought that it might be the case… :smile:
But as an improvement bit… Because as I’m watching Q&As there are plenty of new or follow-up questions that are appearing during the stream…I know that it will be hard to answer them all and we should value Ryan’s time but maybe you could add answers for some of the follow-up questions on the next Q&As or now when forum is available on the forum?

It is just a suggestion. Let me know your thoughts on it… :wink:

@strooz - definitely a good suggestion. However Ryan simply doesn’t have enough time to get to every single question that comes up - that’s why we keep it fair by going line-by-line for an hour. So I encourage folks to save their most important questions and bring them first thing to Q&A’s or to utilize this forum now to lean on others’ robust knowledge, as well as refer back to previous Q&As (the topic index is listed in the resources tab) to see if your question has previously been addressed.


This is an awesome resource!

@Kendall Was there a live Q & A last week (July 3rd)? Cant find it in the archive.

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Hey Peter, we are posting that Q&A today I believe. Keep an eye out.

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